Tingkat Pengetahuan Masyarakat Medan Selayang Dalam Melakukan Tips Pencegahan Demam Berdarah

Josua Saputra Munthe, Nayanda Privanezsa Hao, Pomarida Simbolon, Nagoklan Simbolon


Dengue hemorrhagic fever is an infectious disease caused by the dengue virus and transmitted through the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito. This disease is an acute febrile disease caused by dengue virus serotypes, and is characterized by four main clinical symptoms, namely high fever, bleeding manifestations, hepatomegaly, and signs of circulatory failure until the onset of shock (dengue shock syndrome) as a result of plasma leakage. can cause death. The aim of this service is to determine the level of knowledge of the people of Medan Selayang in carrying out tips for preventing dengue fever. In this service, we collected data about preventive tips to avoid dengue fever on the posters that we distributed using the interview method using 15 community samples as the subjects of the interviews. From the calculation results, it can be seen that the result is 15 and the percentage reaches 100, this figure is included in the good category.


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