Pelatihan Digital Marketing “Dapek Pitih Dari Internet”

Doni Marlius, Febsri Susanti, Afriyeni Afriyeni, Nikmatul Husna


The problems that occur among UMKM players include still relying on manual sales and marketing systems. Apart from that, it has not implemented digital marketing and social media to sell its products, so sales turnover is still low and stagnant. The aim of digital marketing training is to market the sales of products and services, one of which is as follows: 1). The Right Marketing Target The main goal of "Digital Marketing" is marketing that utilizes digital tools or media to reach target consumers quickly, precisely and widely. Apart from that, it can also be more effective and efficient in using advertising funds for business or business purposes. 2). Digital Analysis After determining the target, namely analyzing to implement the most effective and efficient digital marketing system. There are several types of tools such as analysis pages to measure an advertisement, user behavior, and including the use of advertising budget, so that it really meets marketing targets. The method used, in general, participants were able to participate in activities ranging from implementation to mentoring well. After participating in this activity, participants improved their digital marketing skills and were able to increase their income from sales on social media. Apart from that, the participants also got a new method of selling, namely the use of Digital Marketing.

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