Pencegahan Prevalensi Diabetes Melalui Edukasi Dan Pemeriksaan Gula Darah Di Sleman Yogyakarta

Didiek Hardiyanto Soegiantoro, Anelson Prima Lase, Sindi Damayanti, Efelin Titis Pretika, Josefhin Josefhin, Helda Indira Fransiska Zebua, Nugroho Ari Wibowo, Delvina Angeline


The prevalence of diabetes mellitus sufferers has always increased over the last 20 years. Unhealthy lifestyle and eating patterns are the main causes. Indonesia occupies the 5th highest position from all over the world. The aim of this activity is as an effort to reduce the prevalence of diabetes by providing education on the impact of diabetes which reduces the quality of life. It is hoped that awareness of the negative impacts of diabetes can increase people's motivation to adopt a healthy lifestyle and correct eating habits. The form of activity carried out is providing education through posters, flyers, and banners; Apart from that, free blood sugar level checks were carried out for people who were active on Sunday mornings at the Maguwoharjo Stadium, Sleman, Yogyakarta. The results of the activity showed very successful achievements because, from the target of 90 participants, there were 111 participants. Based on the results of evaluating public knowledge about diabetes after being given education, it show that the educational activities were very successful, where 82.9% of participants were able to get a score above 80. Meanwhile, when checking blood sugar levels, it was found that 6 people were in the prediabetes category and 5 people were categorized as diabetes. Subsequently, follow-up was carried out by the local Puskesmas on these 11 people..


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