Pendampingan Lokakarya Disiplin Positif pada Program Sekolah Penggerak Tahun Ketiga di Kabupaten Soppeng

Rahma Ashari Hamzah


Positive discipline is an approach to educating and developing which relies more on the efforts made in building students' positive thinking and behavior so that students can control their own behavior because of the students' own understanding and awareness and can be responsible for their choices, actions and behavior. as an embodiment of respect for oneself and others. The aim of this positive discipline assistance is that all participants understand the importance of creating a safe and comfortable environment based on positive discipline in driving schools. The method used in assisting this positive discipline workshop is participatory throughout the learning committee including the school supervisor, school principal, and 2 teacher representatives from each school, consisting of 4 elementary school levels, namely SD Negeri 118 Ujung. SD Negeri 100 Dare Bunga-Bungae, SD Negeri 5 Mattiropole, and SD Negeri 238 Laempa which are in the Soppeng Regency area which was held on Saturday 24 February 2024 by actively involving participants during the activities. The final result of this positive discipline workshop activity is a product of class confidence as well as a support plan for teachers and schools in implementing positive discipline. Thus, this positive discipline workshop assistance can also have a positive impact on schools in the Mobilizing Schools Program, where it can support teachers and schools when implementing positive discipline and teachers are helped in creating the beliefs of their respective classes..


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